Klenty Review 2023: Land in Your Prospects Inbox Every Time

March 21, 2024
| Maria Harutyunyan |
9 min read
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Email outreach usually makes up a large part of any effective marketing strategy. Yet, it is also the component that consumes the most time and effort. 

In order to increase productivity, Klenty offers a platform where the process of writing and sending outreach emails is fully automated. 

Now let’s see why this is the tool you should be using for sales outreach and what else it has in store for you!

What is Klenty?

Klenty is a sales engagement platform that automates the process of sending custom emails and follow-ups on a large scale. 

By using Klenty, you will be guaranteed to land in your prospect’s priority inbox every time in half the time it would have taken you to do everything manually. All the repetitive activities that consume time, such as tracking engagement and sending cold emails, will be done with a single click. Instead, you and your team can start focusing on what matters, building relationships, and growing your business.  

Send personalized emails, follow-ups, make priority calls, automate CRM and track your progress all from one convenient platform.

Set up specific automated steps according to how your prospects respond (or don’t) to emails
Use Klenty Academy guides and curated videos to better understand the platform (no subscription required)
Track bounces, replies, and unsubscribers to improve marketing strategy
Make calls to prospects in any country or region
Link any email account to your Klenty account (Gmail, Outlook…)
Limited filtering options in analytic reports
Only 500 emails can be sent from one account per day


Klenty offers three different plans with varying extra features. These offers are unique in that the prices are stated per user each month, so the total price will change according to how big or small your team is. 

The packages are the Startup ($35\user\m), the Growth ($60\user\m), and the Enterprise($100\user\m) if you choose to be billed annually. If you prefer to be charged monthly, the prices are Startup ($45\user\m), Growth ($75\user\m), and Enterprise($125\user\m).

The most basic offer is the Startup plan that is intended for smaller teams who are just starting to integrate email outreach in their marketing strategy. If your strategy involves outreach with multichannel sales engagement, then the Growth package is recommended for you. Aside from multichannel outreach, this offer also includes CRM integrations, Slack integration, and website tracking for prospect engagement. 

klenty pricing

With the Enterprise package, you will receive advanced reporting with monthly customer success reviews and deliverability reports. This will help experienced teams further modify their marketing strategies for business growth and development. 

All the offers include API, Gmail Plugin, Zapier, and mail integration. If you’re not sure which Klenty package is right for you, then you can sign up for a 14-day free trial and test out all the features. In addition, if you are working for a non-profit organization or a co-working space, you can email Klenty customer service for custom reduced pricing offers.

Klenty Key Features


Main Dashboard

The “home screen” or the dashboard is where all the main information is showcased. This includes a visual representation of the number of emails sent in the last seven days, along with scheduled emails, tasks, and calls. Also on the home screen is a live feed of all recent engagements, which you can filter according to opens, clicks, and replies. 

klenty main dashboard

Agency Dashboard

For agencies with a specific login, the number of running campaigns for clients will be visible on the main screen. Admins will be able to see the number of teams and users for each campaign from the dashboard. 

The pricing does not change for an agency login; it is still billed per user monthly. 

klenty agency dashboard

Setting Up a Campaign

Before you can start your first campaign, you must first link your Klenty account to your email. This can easily be done through the settings found at the bottom of the feature list. 

cadence email settings

Once you are ready to start creating your campaign, you must first press on “create cadence” from your dashboard. A cadence is how you will automate most of your steps to reach your prospects.

create cadence

After opening your cadence, click “add email” to begin writing. At the bottom right corner is the button for opening the database of templates. You can use one of these existing default templates or manually create your own. There is also the option of inserting images, signatures, placeholders, and HTML links into your email. 

add email pitch cadence

Once you are done setting up the first email or the first “step,” you can continue adding more steps. These will include follow-up emails, tasks, and calls. You can set up a certain sequence of emails that will be sent if no answer is received. Once a response is received you can choose to stop the cadence, or follow up with more “steps” in the cadence playbook. In the “step settings,” you will be able to assign the days and times when the emails will be sent out, for example, only on Wednesdays and Fridays after 2 PM. 

cadence steps

Right in the cadence section is where you will receive and send out emails. Upon clicking on “Inbox” or “Emails,” you will be able to view responses to your emails and the overall progress of the campaign. You can select whether the received email is positive or negative with a smiley face for easier visualization.

A/B Testing

With the A/B testing feature, you will be able to understand which email template works best for your clients and gets the most engagement. Based on this, you can modify your marketing strategy to get a higher rate of responses.

In your cadence section, once you have added the email template you wish to use, click on the “ +A/B Test” option. Then you can add a “B version” of your email template you wish to compare to the first one. Now press “Next,” modify any sending details you need, and press again. Then, add your prospects to the cadence, click “Preview and Start,” and edit the body of the template. Once everything is ready, click on “Start Cadence.”

When you go to the emails section of the cadences dashboard, you will notice that half of your prospects received version A while the rest got version B. In the Reports section, you will later be able to view how each version performed. The A/B testing reports are also available for download. 

Cadence Playbook

The playbook section is for the personalization of cadences for special cases such as a prospect not responding to any of the sent emails. Here you can set up another cadence sequence for specific conditions, such as when a prospect has completed the initial cadence without a reply when they have opened the email, clicked the link, or replied. Then they can be added to another cadence, tagged, added to a list, or have a task attached. 

cadence playbook

For example, if you wish to create a prospect list of those who have clicked a link at least two times and opened your email at least three times, you can set up a cadence to do that in the playbook section. This will help organize your prospects into microsections to further personalize emails. Keep in mind that the cadence playbook is only available with the Growth and Enterprise packages.

klenty automated workflows

Add Prospects to Campaign

Upon setting up your cadence steps, click on “add prospects to cadence” to begin integrating receivers. Your contacts can be imported from a CSV file, Google Sheets, Salesforce, or you can add their information manually.

add prospects to cadence

If you wish to use Salesforce and view reports, you must link your Salesforce account beforehand in the CRM settings section.

With Salesforce integration, you can also (de)activate certain triggers, such as a task being created for a lead who has clicked a link or booked a meeting on Calendly. This will later be visible in the leads section of your Salesforce account. 

add prospects klenty

There are some fields that are filled out when you import a prospect, but you can also create custom fields for other information. Upon importing your prospects, you can tag them for better organization. These tags will also be visible in the inbox. Once this is all done, press “start import” to begin the process. 

klenty prospects

In the prospect list, you will be able to view all your imported contacts. Then they can individually be added to your cadences. 

Cadence Reports

To check up on your campaigns, you can visit the “reports” section of the cadences. Here you will see an overview of prospects, opened emails, clicks, replies, and more. Your responses will also be filtered into negative and positive subcategories to make visualization of results simpler. 

klenty cadence reports

General Reports

If you wish to see overall progress, then the report dashboard will summarize it all for you. Here you can view information such as clicks, opens, bounce rates, positive and negative responses, and more in numbers or percentages. From there, you can also access specific detailed cadence reports by clicking on the names. 

This is the section where you can access the Team reports to view the individual progress of the users with percentages. 

klenty team reports

In the List Reports section, you can view progress results according to lists. Here you will be able to understand which is the deciding factor making your campaigns successful. 

klenty list reports

Creating Tasks

In the “Tasks” part of your dashboard or directly from your cadence steps is where you can create tasks. This is similar to a reminder or a to-do list for yourself. For example, you can note down “SM outreach” at one of the cadence steps, so you will be reminded to start reaching out on social media once that phase is reached. Tasks can also be assigned to different users other than yourself from the “step settings” section.  

klenty tasks

Making Calls

The ability to call prospects is one of the unique features of Klenty. To be able to complete this step, your imported prospect information should also have phone numbers. In the call section, you will also be able to view scheduled and overdue calls along with dates, prospect sources, statuses (answered/unanswered), and call purposes.

make calls klenty


Although Klenty is one of the top email outreach tools on the market, there are some alternatives worth exploring. Other tools include BuzzStream, Mailshake, Pitchbox, and Yesware. Make sure you thoroughly research your other options before settling for the perfect one. After all, with a wider range of choices, you are sure to find the match for your business.

add cadence steps
Klenty Cadences
Maria Harutyunyan

Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences. We provide weekly updates on link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO, and more! Sign up for our newsletter and join our LinkedIn to be on top of industry trends!

Maria Harutyunyan
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