705% Increase in Organic Traffic for Drip Hydration


Increase in organic traffic


Keywords in top 10 positions


Increase in domain rating

Book a call with Maria, Head of SEO

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Project Overview

Drip IV Therapy provides on-demand intravenous hydration therapies tailored to boost energy, enhance vitality, and improve overall health. It delivers its IV therapy and medical services directly to clients' homes or offices.


The objective of Drip Hydration's link-building project was to consistently acquire a minimum of 80 high-quality backlinks per month. This strategic approach aimed to bolster the site’s authority and enhance its visibility within search engine results.


To meet Drip Hydration’s link-building target, we applied link insertion and guest posting strategies that focused on generating high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative sources. Here’s how we approached it:

Link Insertions

We started by identifying high-authority websites and blogs within the health and wellness niche. These platforms served as potential targets for linking back to Drip Hydration's website.

After identifying these websites and blogs, we conducted a thorough analysis of their existing content. Our focus during this phase was on identifying content where a link to our client's site would naturally fit in and provide value to the reader. We sought out content that aligned with Drip Hydration's offerings and interests.

With potential link opportunities identified, our team of link-building specialists crafted personalized pitches. These pitches suggested mutually beneficial collaborations with the website or blog owners.

Once we received positive responses, we engaged in negotiations to secure strategic link placements for our client. Through effective negotiation techniques, we successfully finalized agreements for link placements on the identified platforms.

Guest Posting

We identified websites and blogs within the health and wellness niche that accepted guest posts and had high domain authority. These platforms served as potential opportunities for guest posting.

For each targeted website or blog, we conducted research to identify topics that would be of interest to their specific audience.

We submitted guest post proposals to the selected websites, outlining the proposed topic and its relevance to their audience.

Upon approval of the proposal, we created high-quality, informative content that aligned with the guidelines provided by the website or blog.

We submitted the guest post to the website or blog for review, ensuring that it met their editorial standards and guidelines.

Once the guest post was approved, it was published on the website or blog with a link back to Drip Hydration’s website. This link served to drive referral traffic and enhance the site’s authority in the health and wellness niche.


705% Monthly Organic Traffic

Since 2020, our focus has centered on expanding our project's organic traffic via the acquisition of high-quality backlinks. Initially, the website received a modest 19,000 monthly visitors. However, thanks to our effective strategies, this figure has skyrocketed to 153,000—an impressive 705% increase.

Drip Hydration organic traffic

1040% More Keywords in Top 10 Positions

The website has seen incredible progress in keyword rankings. Initially, Drip Hydration ranked for 1000 keywords. Now, we're thrilled to announce a substantial increase to 11.4K keywords securing top 10 positions — an impressive 1040% boost. And most importantly, key phrases like "mobile IV therapy," "in-home IV therapy," and "at-home IV" now hold the top spot.

Drip Hydration organic keywords

2796 High-Quality Backlinks and 84% Boost in Domain Rating

Starting with a Domain Rating (DR) of 32, our strategy led us to acquire 2796 quality backlinks relevant to the health and wellness niche. As a result, our website's DR surged to 59, marking an impressive 84% increase. This progress highlights the effectiveness of our approach and the value of our collaborations.

Drip Hydration domain rating

Domain Rating

59 from 32


Monthly Organic Traffic

153000 from 19000


Keywords in Top 10

11400 from 1000


High-Quality Backlinks


Started SEO in

September 2020

Book a call with the Head of SEO

Consultation is free. No credit card required. Instant booking!

Quality of links / link targets, effectiveness of the campaign, prompt communication, quality project organization, reliability on deliverables, easy person/people to work with.

John Hinson

CEO, Novachrom Web Corporation, Drip Hydration

Domain Rating

59 from 32


Monthly Organic Traffic

153000 from 19000


Keywords in Top 10

11400 from 1000


High-Quality Backlinks


Started SEO in

September 2020

Book a call with the Head of SEO

Consultation is free. No credit card required. Instant booking!

Quality of links / link targets, effectiveness of the campaign, prompt communication, quality project organization, reliability on deliverables, easy person/people to work with.

John Hinson

CEO, Novachrom Web Corporation, Drip Hydration

Inspired by their success? Now your turn! Let’s achieve remarkable results together!

Book a call with Maria, Head of SEO

Consultation is free. No credit card required. Instant booking!